Fabrication Laboratories by Pablo C. Herrera (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas) and Benito Juarez (Fab Lab Lima). Proceeding from the Fab 9 Research Stream. Yokohama, Japan. 2013
Since 2007, Latin America has incorporated a set of emerging techniques promoted under three initiatives: a) from the experience of Master and Doctoral students who return to their home countries and promote their experience, b) from the external academic experience that goes towards the region, and c) from self-learning.
These experiences are developed in an academic area, unlike Europe or the U.S., where they were promoted from and to professional practice, with varying degrees of implementation and effect. Generally speaking, the academic programs of the region lack a policy of inclusion of systematized emerging technologies, and that produces a slow uptake, especially in architecture. On one hand, if educational policies are not stable, equipment investment cannot be stable, and on the other hand, the generation gap between those who promote and those who accept blends into disruption and status quo.
Each implementation in the region produces adverse and complex patterns, replicating existing models and seeking alliances with institutions in developed countries. Thus, there are self-help groups, while others incorporate academic, technical and/or commercial supervisions, in principle through the Center for Bits and Atoms (MIT Fab Lab) and McNeel Associates (Rhino Fab Lab).
In this research, we evidence evolution and implementation processes in Latin America of the three types of initiatives, analyzing the case study in Peru, which together open up the possibility of moving from a phase of experimentation, trial and error to another that actually promotes local innovation and inclusion.
Key words: Fab Lab; South America, MIT; Rhino; Digital Fabrication